Tried looking around and didn't spot it. I need to change the erl in my 610 and wonder how much to dump back in. I have yet to do it on this bike yet, but should not be too difficult right? Bike did not come with an owners manual, so I am flyin solo here.
1.8 litres. If you pull the clutch cover off, you may get more out, but when I put that much in, it's a little above midway on the sight glass with the bike level. You know about the bag filters, right?
bag filters....who whaaa? All I got with mine is a K&N round filter. I meant to ask Hall's when I was there last month, but forgot to.
Just worry about the left side. Most people pull that one since the clutch side is nearly always clean. Look near the neutral switch. It'll be two 8mm bolts holding on a cover. Pull that cover, then reach in and pull that filter out. It will be in two parts. Note the orientation, clean it with brake cleaner (or whatever) and put it back in. I'll post a pic from the parts manual (#14).
Got it thanks. So oil filter on the right, clean filter #14, button back up and dump in 1.8 liters. Thanks again. I need to get a manual for this bike.
Bones, You can download a service manual for free from this site:
I get errors here at work, I will try it at home. I think I have had issues with that site before. Thanks everybody.
re the filter orientation - I'm sure the filter (15) in the picture is round the wrong way! If I'm reading my workshop manual correctly the above pic is definitely wrong!! I changed my oil yesterday and it definitely came out and went back in the other way to the above pic. I'm sure the slightly smaller diameter length is to ensure it locates in a hole anyway. The way it shows in the above pic it doesn't serve any purpose at all!!
Good catch, M8. It's been a while since I took mine out and wasn't exactly sure, but I covered myself with "Note the orientation".
A lot of people don't bother with the allen socket drain plug as the torque setting is so high it always feels like it's going to strip the thread out! I forget the setting (perhaps 62 ft/lb?) but it feels way too much! A lot of people (myself included) do the 12mm headed plug first and then drain the rest of the oil out of the left side bag filter cover hole. You can even lean the bike over to get that little bit extra out!
I'm glad you're in agreement with me - I had a sudden fear that I'd perhaps done it wrong yesterday! That drawing's not the best (although it does look like it's been done by hand so they're to be partially congratulated at least!). I don't know if the design has changed but my cover (16) is different and incorporates the o-rings (17) and (18) on its shoulders.
I have always put two liters in mine. Are you sure its 1.8? That is about all you get out of two, one liter bottles if you are in a hurry.
You gota pull both plugs. There is a lot of oil left behind if you don't. Here's what the clutch side filter screen ( bag ) looks like.
That site is having issues, but you should be able to get your manual from here. It's like every other Husky manual though, five languages, one being english.
My 06 manual says 1.9 w/o filter and 2.1 with. Just put 2 in mine at about 3/4 of the site glass(cold, of course).
If you put in 2 liters you probably will have overfilled it. Manual says 1.8 liters or 2.1 US qts. I'm sure most people buy the 1 liter bottles of oil if you get it at a Cycle shop. When I change mine I remove both drain plugs, change filter, clean screen(left side) and while everything is open lean bike over in both directions for several minutes. It's also a good way to do a little weight lifting. Just lean it all the way over with you underneath and do some bench pressing. After getting just about every drop of oil out and buttoning everything back up w/new filter I'll add about 1 3/4 liters and it registers right where it should be in sightglass. That's after starting the motor and running it for a minute or two then turning it off and letting it drain back down.
Wow that bag filter was FILTHY! I have ti soaking overnight to try to get a majority of the crud out. ~1700 miles and I imagine it's never been cleaned.