Hi all, newbie on this forum. Bike is a 1998 TE 610, carburettor model. Pretty well stock. Electrics are by Ducati, blue in colour, flywheel also Ducati and grey. I also have the full (multi-lingual) workshop manual. I have two, possibly related problems: Riding along on my bike the other day, about 40 km/h in 4th gear when it just stopped, as if I'd hit the kill switch. Anyone else had this happen, if so have you found an answer yet? Since then, after it sat for about 5 days tried to start it, but no spark. checked the flywheel (Ducati, grey in colour), but all I could see was a little condensation (sort of expected, as we've been having some wet weather lately). I doubt that this would be the cause, since on one occasion I accidentally ended up riding through water that was up to the tank, and that didn't stop it at all, just kept on going. So a little condensation around the flywheel is not likely to have caused the lack of spark. Open to suggestions. Alex
I'd first be checking fuses. Now are you saying, first, that on the ride when it stalled it started back up and ran...or was that it (hasn't run since)? Mine's a 630, but I had a rub thru/short under my battery tray which caused stutter/stall and general melt of wires at VR plug. That's common on the 630, and Huskies in general are are known to have routing/fraying issues, so look over the wiring as well. Good luck.
Is your 610 the left kick start model ? I would check the magnet set inside of the flywheel if it is, those are known for coming loose.
Check all the wiring around the cdi unit as the looms brake down over time. Check from the cdi unit to the coil as well! There's a signal wire from the cdi and an earth! Also check the kill switch is working as it should. That's a switched earth that earths the cdi unit to kill it. Also make sure that the main earth is a good earth