Stank broke tib n fib? Owwie thankfully I've never bust myself up badly on a bike, there is always a first tho.
This was his post via his mechanic..... After spending 6 days in the hospital, I'm out! Got a new rod in my right leg to hold my shattered tib and fib back together, and nice new yamaha blue cast on my whole right arm! With the boys headed to Budds Creek for press day tomorrow. Big Big Thanks to my boys Britt and Arik Swan for the transport in the RV
weird thing is that no major moto mag/online has reported Gared has been injured...... we are sure its him? Did he post it? Did I completely miss the boat on this???
no one getting hurt is good, but glad Gared is still in the mix-- he's the everyman hero, the privateer!!
The latest stankin' View: "...then I heard that 2 stroke comin' 'round the outside, waaahhhhh! and I thought: If this guy was president we'd get some shit done."