Will the 2 stroke continue to change for the better,stay the same,or will they be weeded out in the near future? Any news on anything different as far as development goes?
Two stroke FI has made Evinrude outboards more clean and powerful with better fuel economy than the other brands four stroke models for the past few years, so I don't know why they couldn't be developed for motorcycles with the same results.
My understanding is that both Husky and KTM have been working on a direct injection 2st but I have no idea where either company is so far as actually releasing one to the public.
On this side of the pond we have been told............ All the JAP builders has stopped development a few years ago as I am sure most of you know. One of them, Yamaha, I think came up with a clean 2t motor that will comply to the Californian Emission Control laws but it is still some way off before the motor will go into production. Only the European manufacturers are spending time and money on 2t development (thank GD) Husky/BMW, Gas Gas, KTM. I do agree that a injected 2T will be great but in very dusty conditions it can end up costing loads of maintenance...
In the high end 2 stroke racing cart world they have prototype oil less engines. By careful matching metal alloys and by using plastic engine components they have been able to successfully eliminate the need for pre-mix.
works on some snowmobiles. polaris is still ironing things out that started in the early 90's. even after an engine MFG change. the MFGs either get it spot on the first time or fight with it and go back to carb. it sounds like the power up kits for the husky EFIs are giving people head aches. that just what ive read on here and from a friend whos got one. he also said the bike didnt act right from the git-go. im ok with my carb.
To my knowledge two stroke is still very much part of the development plans for Husqvarna. For the SM/WRE125 two stroke street bikes we now have electronically controlled carbs and oil pumps to help them through emissions regulations so that approach could be used or fuel injection if that's more appropriate for race bikes. Dave
All engine technologies are being explored and advanced. 2 strokes are still being developed, but don't be surprised to see some new things also. There's even this new 5 stroke technology engine that is promising: http://www.ilmor.co.uk/concept_5-stroke_1.php http://www.motocrossactionmag.com/M...0&tier=3&nid=8292A17B74714C7C9F7DFAA9D8A541A1
Wow. Great thread! 2st, 4st, carb, efi, advanced topics, even 5 stroke. I'll move this over to the general section where people that don't visit the 2st section can see it. (hope that is ok with everyone).
That should be a dead give away that it is someones design exersize. a 235lb 125!!! thats a real step forward!!!
It may be a fabbed pic, but they are working on this engine concept as well as an all-electric. I read it in an issue of Low-Rider...er, I meant Dirt Rider...