It seems that mostly the 2009 Husky models have all been released. In Australia, our local importer has all the information on all the 2009 models except for one - the 610. Does anyone know any information about this bike? I am presuming it will stay pretty much the same, but still awaiting some obvious changes like: forks (dual adjustement); Plastics (upgrade from Y2000 Te570 etc); Cam Chain upgrade; etc. I still wonder why the frame has not been made similar to the 510's etc You would think that by doing this would standardise all plastics, tanks, etc. anyway, 2009 Te-610
Official answer: TE 610 is now on the Husky website, including a pic. Its 100% the same as last year. My prediction: Thats because it has a sticker that says "made in 2008" 'If' they need more bikes later next year they 'might' do a production run. Dont hold your breath. The bike will sell out. After that its anyones guess, we have a 8652 kg german elefant in da house.