2012 txc 310 ( starter ripped out of crank case

Discussion in 'General (Main)' started by Thundergut75, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Thundergut75 Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Txc 310
    First week with my txc . First ride I noticed a oil leak on bike when I was loading it back on the truck am the end of a 3 hour trail ride . I cleaned the bike up and I noticed the bike was leak inking oil pretty bad from the rubber grummet coming out of the fly wheel cover . I took it about and fixed the problem . I put the bike back together and added oil . Fired the bike up and it sounded fine . I but the bike in gear and went for about 50 feet and the bike stalled . I hit the el start and the bike would not turn over . I treys to kick start and the kick start would not move . I noticed the bike was leaking oil again so I took a good look at the bike and noticed the starter was forced about a 1 1/2 out of the crank case and the house ing was broke off on the flywheel side of the bike. . At this point I new I was in real trouble. .
    Anyone ever have this problem ?
  2. Thundergut75 Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Txc 310
  3. Aviduser Husqvarna
    AA Class

    BC, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08 cr 165
    Haven't seen that before, but wow that sucks.

    I'm not very familiar with e-starts. But I wonder why it would torque off the case like that. Hope you can get it welded up/sorted out.