The rate of fatal crashes is 31 percent lower in a motorcycle with antilock brakes than in the same models without ABS, according to research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Riders stop more quickly and stopping distances improve on wet and dry surfaces. With ABS, riders can stop without the fear of the wheels locking up, which might result in a skid. To help riders find models equipped with this potentially lifesaving feature, we present the 2014 motorcycles and scooters with ABS. -- Back when I did do some street riding and would talk occasionally with pure street riders, many many had stories of crashes and many again pointed at the front brake causing the crash ... So that 31% number sounds like it could be ~accurate ...If you ride any bike and are afraid of the front brake, seek some help ... The front brake is about the most important safety device on your bike and it alone can save you in an emergency situation ... -- Here's the list of bikes that have ABS ... (All motorcycles in Europe will be required to have ABS by 2016, and we expect that will make ABS much more common in the United States.)