Sad to see. A kid my youngest went to High School with, Kevin Weisbruch, crashed in his moto and crushed his Larynx Saturday night. He was rushed to a hospital where he spent the night on a machine to assist w/his breathing. In typical flat-billed ball cap wearing, Dickies Shorts having, untied DC Shoes owning, #38 (Deegan) worshiping Temecula style he Instagrammed a shot of the OR on his way into surgery Sunday morning.
My kid goes to school w/the little sister of Weisbruch's girlfriend. Latest is he's doing A-OK after surgery.
Very sad indeed. We have some hugely unflattering names around these parts for So-Cal. You guys are earning a pretty bad reputation for the rest of the U.S. I'm glad that you understand and "get-it". Hey, I'm just from Mississippi.
Hey, you can't lump me in with those martians. I'm no fan of Gov. Moonbeam. California, however, is circling the bowl.
Weisbruch is out of Hospital and back home recovering. Thanks to the kids @ Great Oak HS in Temecula for running the info down.