
Discussion in 'TR650' started by natejpg1, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. natejpg1 Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Hey guys just thought I'd share my embarrassing story regarding my terra that occurred yesterday. I ran out of fuel:mad:. I average around 51.5 mpg and went 3.64 gallons used on my dash computer. The interesting thing to me is I had my fuel light turn on for a few miles and then off for more than a few miles while I rode home. It turned on again when I pulled into my driveway so I figured I'd be good for a little while. I got a case of proGAStination. The good news is that I now know what my bike feels like empty and I can coast a good long while before having to push it. :)

    Thanks for letting me lurk and enjoy all this knowledge and hope I can help someone else out.
    HuskyDude, nev.. and Coffee like this.