50mm Marzocchi internals

Discussion in 'Common Items on Husqvarnas: Tires/tubes/grips/etc' started by andyman, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. andyman Husqvarna
    AA Class

    I took some pics of my disassembly for a fluid change and internal chamber bleed. I thought someone might find some of the pics useful. Thought I'd post them up for "archival" purposes.

    Draining (I got about 10oz out of the bottom of each one)







  2. ghte Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Bright, Victoria Australia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2 x 310's, 2016 Beta 480, SWM RS650
    Other Motorcycles:
    2016 Multi ,Griso1100, Monster695
    Did you replqace the seals too?
  3. andyman Husqvarna
    AA Class

    The seals aren't (weren't) leaking. I thought about taking them out and cleaning... but I don't want to risk a tear or a gouge. These forks are REALLY easy to tear down, so if I have to do it again to replace seals, it's not a big deal. I mostly wanted to just change the fluid and properly bleed the inner chamber.
  4. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    I changed my seals not too long ago and bled the air out of the inner chamber and had very good success with the work and yes, it has easy to do :=)
  5. andyman Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Got everything cleaned, bled properly (FINALLY), and reassembled today. I think it's important to note that you MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FROM RON THE MARZOCCHI TECH THAT ARE IN THE STICKY... NOT JUST THE MAGAZINE ARTICLE I couldn't get rid of the dimples... after some research and finding Ron's ACTUAL notes, it was easy peeeeezy. The editor at dirt bike left out some (what I consider) critical information.

  6. fitness2go Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Seattle WA
    Could you post a link to his notes?
  7. andyman Husqvarna
    AA Class

  8. fitness2go Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Seattle WA
    Perfect thanks! I should be doing this soon and will definitely refer back to it.
  9. andyman Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Cool, I hope you find the pics and stuff helpful.

    For what it's worth, I went through about 4 different sizes of pvc "couplers" from home depot trying to get one the right size to squeeze the bladder just right. I'd saw them in half, and file them flat and smooth... The closest I got was with a 1", but I found I had MUCH better luck by cutting up an old aspirin bottle and clamping it on with one of those band clamps.

    Once you read Ron's instructions, and learn why you need to clamp something on the bladder, it's a lot easier to make make a suitable tool! :thumbsup:
  10. Vegas Husky Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Las Vegas Nevada
    I'm looking for almost the same thing except its for my Showa forks...anyone have any info on seal replacement on the mid 90's Showa's?? Thanks, CC