Husky r&d swede team capt Thomas G on the 86 aircooled 510, Passeri with his crazy body english style, tullio railing, the east german MZs forward left kickers and enclosed chains, Jawa CZs Betas, TMs, Hon, Yam, Kramit. i saw at least 1 skunk helmet on a honda for one.
PS all those Italians were probably riding this bergamo zone and know the place like the back of their hand.....hometown advantage, Davide on the TM
Scroll down a bit... isde USA Team&f=false
Good one Norm!!! I know that many of the teams had that NASCAR racing logic-----If you don't get caught it ain't cheatin'. (remember the France bike swap in the forest debacle) I really want to know where we can access records for ISDE numbers, I'm such a history freak, I want to ID those guys. Fact is most of the top tier Italian offroaders come from that local Bergamo zone (with exceptions of course) sort of like the US MX scene back in the days of the (El) Cajon Zone. I remember a local club did an enduro in an area that never has events....but it is an area that I was riding like every weekend. I was a 250B class guy and smoked the class and had test times way up in the A class----we rode trails that I knew like my own driveway. ANd Im sure even the non local team guys were there all year riding those roads, hills and trails Tullio and the rest of the Trophy team and the Juniors (Davide and Team) were slick operators for sure, not to discount the talent level, which was top tier anyway.....but for sure they were not going lose barring a catastrophe. US ISDE trophy team&source=bl&ots=hN-rFynHDm&sig=UPlePJo4qvEZbLHp0N5SlVMKiHs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0oLPpZTKAhUDxGMKHUN_Aq0Q6AEIRTAJ#v=onepage&q=1986 US ISDE trophy team&f=false
Way Cool, also I just had a reminder of a well jetted 2 stroke sounds like. Thanks for finding and posting it.