I noticed this on my 630 and I think it could be the same for the 610. There are two drain plugs under the motor. In the 2011 TE-SM 630 shop manual the smaller one calls for 18 ft.lbs. on page D.10 with the photos of the oil change procedure and the text only torque figures on page X.3. The larger plug calls for 44 ft.lbs on the page with the pics but 22 ft.lbs. in the torque listings. 44 ft.lbs. sounded way to much so I went with the lower 22 ft.lbs. setting. What is the proper torque?
Those numbers are what I've found. I don't torque them though. I snug them up fairly tight. As long as they don't leak or back out, you're golden.
I have the worshop manual for the bike, and it says : Refit drain plugs M14 plug : 24 Nm/ 2.45 Kgm/ 18.1 ft-lb; M22 plug : 60 Nm/ 6.1 Kgm/ 44 ft-lb) So i guess it is right. I work as a Volvo truck mechanic, and we fit the drain plugs in the oil sump with 60nm. on the oil pans that are made of composite material. They are about the same size as the large drain plug on the SM630.