is looking for support! They folks put out some of the best vids on the web, for free. Lets help them out. I just gave them $20 and I challenge all Cafe Husky users to match that.
Here's a reply I received after my donation, and it explains why they are asking for help. Thank you for your donation to AdrenalineVision! We truly enjoy the opportunity to bring these enduro & Hare scramble events to everyone at a level of quality and depth that simply hasn't been attempted before, and in the end we hope we're able to bring new riders in to the sport we enjoy so much, but the costs are staggering - We recently upgraded our server, increased our link to 100Mbps, and combined with our bandwidth usage, our server now exceeds $600/mo. Having one of our HD cameras cleaned after a dusty race is $400, and while VA is our home base, and central to many East Coast events, we are actually not close to any - we drive 5 to 8 hours each way to cover a race - in fact last weekend we covered 2 races and had a combined travel time of over 44 hours - fuel, HD videotape and other consumables & travel expenses are typically about $600/race weekend, but I don't even want to think about what we spent last week. Put it all together covering 36 races last year, factor in the hw & sw here we use to process all the video, and you can quickly see that it adds up to some huge numbers. We've even expanded our schedule this year to include as many NEPG races as we can. I'm not complaining - many folks just aren't aware of what it takes to put all this together week after week. In this economy it's tough to be writing these big checks every month - we added some advertising onto the site to offset some costs but what we learned is that it's Google who makes the $, not us - the ads are generating 1/100 what we had hoped for. So in the end, it's the thoughtful donations from folks like yourself that are making a difference and keeping the lights on here - we really appreciate your support and hope to continue bringing weekly updates from the woods! regards,