I have a 2013 wr 250 and I am losing a lot of gas out of my vent tube when the tank is topped off. I have never had a problem like this before with my kawasaki's. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem? and I was wondering if there are any good aftermarket caps that work out better? thanks
Does the stock tube have a one way valve in it? If not, definitely get an aftermarket unit. I replaced the stock cap and vent on my 2008 with an Acerbis large gas cap and a Free Flo vent tube, they work great!
How is it coming out? Isn't the tube higher than the top of the cap? Is he cap leaking? I have had to use new rubber gasket to seal them to prevent the gas from weeping out be thank cap area. Husky sells a nice aftermarket alum cap, but it's $$$$
Its coming out the vent tube when tank is topped off.I know a little is normal but it pours out pretty good. It must be the design I have never had this problem before I will try the acerbis.Yes the vent tube is above the cap.
Make sure you buy a free flo vent line also, the one that comes with the Acerbis cap does not have a one way valve.