1. Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

AHRMA Nat, comming up in Co.

Discussion in 'Vintage/Left Kickers' started by oldhuskychuck, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. oldhuskychuck Husqvarna
    A Class

    Denver Co
    anyone comming to Co, for the Nat, on Sept 18-19??
    ill be there, and will have a few Husky projects and parts FS in the Pits.
  2. Trailridernut Husqvarna
    A Class

    Wish they had a CC race up there!
  3. Trailridernut Husqvarna
    A Class

    Wish it had a CC... my moto skills are lacking!:banghead:
  4. oldhuskychuck Husqvarna
    A Class

    Denver Co
    they used to,,i won it in 2001, totally suprised me.. i was the last guy out, and the first guy in..on a bike i had never rode before, an 83 Husky 430.
    i remember passing guys like a parking lot on the back straight of the property.
    6th gear flat out, i remember the speedo working, and seeing the needle at 70..
    ahhhh those were the heathy knee days lol...
    i remember comming in on the last lap, and the guy marking my helmet, saying thats it, your done...really? weres everyone else?? your the first rider in. lol...i had the no shit? look..
    dayum...then i remember passing a few guys 3 times.. i felt like super man for a day...
    i think the cattails and swamp area weeded out a lot of riders, i took them wide and fast,, most guys went through the middle and never got out the end.
    something to be said for a little luck..
  5. Trailridernut Husqvarna
    A Class

    I agree with the luck thing! Come to think about it... LOL!!

    I have ridden many RMEC enduro's up there when I lived in the Springs... makes me want to move back!!
  6. oldhuskychuck Husqvarna
    A Class

    Denver Co
    not many Enduros here anymore, bunny huggin tree kissin types have ruined that.
    that and not many {real} time keepers anymore, just ride fast...dont worry bout that clock....that was the hard part...dont come in to early...or late...race the clock..
  7. Trailridernut Husqvarna
    A Class

    That's a shame... in 40 years of riding, the RMEC has had the toughest, most beautiful place I have ridden and it was the only time I was beaten by a "kid"... his last name was Smith... Malcolm's son and it was his first enduro!!:eek: