I was excited about this bike, but at $9995 and $495 freight.... It's closer in price to a Husky 701 Enduro than I thought it would be!
Yeah that was the big downfall of it. They put some premium stuff on it but at that price and not street legal...making a bike here legal is pretty easy and cheap but the work is already done with the 701. Plus the bike will still be choked up because it's legal everywhere else.
They are legal out of the box here . I took one for a 3 block squirt . Really liked it . Felt roomy and really light /nimble for something that looks twice the size of a dit bike to me
at that price and street legal hassle there is no point for choosing it, maybe when at a 25% discount when they fail to sell.
Because it costs a shit ton of money and is a huge pain in the ass. Read the swm updates...It's unreal