Another Monday Night LIghts Milestone Ranch MX Monday June 19 th 6:30 P.M.

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by HuskyT, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. HuskyT Moderator

    Corona, California
    Ok... bring the Huskys out on Monday night!.. Great track . Great conditions..Good lights . track is open until 9:30 P.M. Perfect Grooming...75 degrees... it doesn't get better than this! We had three Husky's last time.... so many questions get asked.....

    Bring that Gunsight out ...

    Last weeks comments:

    " Man that bike looks great.."

    "How do you like that bike?"

    "damn that bike is powerfull"

    " That bike looks good out there"

    and the best from a 12 year old kid talking to his bud.... " Dude... that isn't a new red Honda... Thats a Husqvarna... those bikes are crazy sick"

    I'm bringing Logan again and a few other buds and may let him venture out on the KX 65 ( with a throttle limiter) at the end of the night when the traffic dies down...
