A nice touch of nostalgia. Didn't realise the zerk grease nipples went back that far on linkages. Most bikes today still don't have that feature.
Great video. Vibration was such a huge issue with bikes of the era. Thats is why it was the first selling point brought up.
Real nice find .....I could be wrong but I did not hear any mention of Eddie Lojack and his Husqvarna racing success... Chow, Carl
if you go to my bros you tube site...he has a bunch of old LR, Dan smith, Malcolm vids.... http://www.youtube.com/user/CougarButtes#p/u
Nice, the Danny Hamel one is COOL. I always heard how fast he was, WOW. http://www.youtube.com/user/CougarButtes#p/u/19/AbeJPhjHsN0
Good one Kelly! Some of those related vids were good too. It's sure easy to go from video to video, when you get in to a good group.
Dude Hamel was crazy fast...people always think that video was sped up...it wasnt he was just smoking fast...smith too...but smith was a little smoother both fun to watch