Looking for bar risers for 08 te 450. Anyone find one they really like or know witch one's to stay away from? Any input would be great, thanks.
I went with these for my '07 TE 450. They do not have '08 down, so you would have to call. http://www.brpmoto.com/product_info.php?cPath=29_30_1555&products_id=1225 They were easy to insall and I bought the inserts so I did not have to change the bar. Couple issues I had was I wanted the bars higher, so I left the spacer that is under the mounts on. If you take the spacer out it does not raise the bars much, if at all. With the spacers it is an one inch raise (about). So now the M10 bolt does not reach all the way through. I bought a hex bolt that was long enough (not M10 as I could not find one at Home Depot or Lowes that was long enough) that was non metric and I had to wedge a screw driver in so it would not turn. The hex head is smaller on the non metric. It has been fine, but the length that I bought (found) that works is maybe 3/4 of an inch too long. Will get around to cutting it but it has not hit anything, so no rush. Very happy with the inch increase.
Seemed to me you can pick them (made for Husky's by Husky) up from Tasky Phone: 425.252.2295 as a stock item.