With all the screws holding on the panels and stuff. My old "Speed Wrench" sure gets a lot of use these days.
I have no idea how you keep finding sites that do not allow hotlinking of images , but here it is attached to a post after I downloaded it:
Now the picture is showing up.... not sure what is going on. Probably in my cache now after visiting the site directly... dunno how you could tell.
Ya I have the full set at work...good for taking things apart I guess... too much torque for reassembly. That thing will drive a 4" lag bolt home.
I have one too. First off I don't like to start threads with a power tool, need to feel it. Second I like to also feel the torque for each bolt. Third i can almost spin the T wrench as fast as the drill. Third my cordless drill always needs a charge or something. My T handles ALWAYS work Tools are like tires, run what works for you.
I needed to add another $15 to get free shipping at rockymountain and picked up one of these: My cordless impact driver hasn't been touched in the year since.