Big Bear Dual Sport Ride

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by ajaxauto, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. ajaxauto Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    It might be called a Dual Sport Ride because the trails are split between easy and hard.If you do all the hard ways all 186 miles of them and make all 7 check points on time you can get a plaque
    The hard ways are set up like a last man standing event there were about 350 riders this year BUT only 77 riders finished to receive the plaque.It took me 12 hours to do 186 miles on my trusty Husky 510
    if only i could plate my CR 125 but i cant so rode the 510 I did finish on time and 12 hours is a good time so do the math it is a hard ride
    Check out all the stories over at or Then get your street legal HUSKY ready for next year because we are still out numbered by the orange bikes
  2. rajobigguy Administrator

    You should try the "Moonlight Madness" ride they (Big Bear Trail Riders) put on. It runs approx. 90 miles and does require you to have a plate for connecting trails via roads. It's a challenging ride through about half of it and made more interesting by the fact that it is done at night. They do a great job of organizing the event and an exceptional job of marking the trail. Even though it's not brutal rock crashing all night it's tough enough that not everyone finishes. The last one that I went on there 24 entrees and only 9 of us finished ( I did cut out several of the more brutal spots in the middle of the ride). By the time it was all done I was literally a bowl of jelly hanging on to the handlebars. Before the first 20 miles I had dislocated my right shoulder but within the next 10 miles I found a nice boulder to endo off of and the landing popped the shoulder back in so everything was OK (sort of).:lol: Actually it was a great ride and if I hadn't damaged myself early in the game it would have been probably the best DS ride I've been on. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the E-Button that night.:thumbsup: