Bike bikes in the PNW

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by wachs, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. wachs Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Bend, Oregon USA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    BMW F800GS, KTM 500 EXC
    Even though this is not a HUSKY based report it was still super fun -
    This spring I was asked by my friends at ALTRIDER to put together a one-day tour out of Salem, OR for the BMWMOA attendees. Not a lot of dirt easily accessible right out of town but we knew that guys from the heartland and other non-mountainous areas would appreciate seeing snow in July so we took them east towards the Cascades.

    Took off about 9AM towards Detroit -

    I was on my old KTM 950 that is now owned by a good buddy - (thanks MOE!)

    We stopped to top off everyone’s fuel and saw this cool rig - it sounded more like a Porsche motor than a VW

    We had a blast riding secondary paved roads along the south side of the Santiam River to Mill City then up to Detroit for an early lunch at the Korner Post.

    There was a heli-logging operation going on across the road and down a ways. Couldn’t really get a decent shot but it was pretty interesting. You just barely see the heli in the center of the pic but this guy was wasting no time and had that sucker wound up.

    Had a blast roasting up the Boulder Ridge Road to the dirt. Mostly single lane old pavement with GREAT corners.


    We had scouted this route a couple weeks ago and it had tons of fresh bear scat on it.


    It was a little dusty but not too bad.


    Made it down to the Brietenbush river.


    We had fun on the pavement up to the Olallie Lake road.



    Several of us were looking forward to a swim in the lake but apparently that is not allowed?! Something about the city of Portland's water shed.


    Still, it was beautiful looking at the second highest peak in Oregon, Mt Jefferson. 10,400’ and proudly showing us the north side.

    Bob taking a photo of Micheal - amazing that there were no bugs this day.


    Took the Skyline road past Olallie lake. Fun, rocky section.


    Everyone was a solid rider - this guy had his dog in the laundry basket!


    Spectacular day, not too hot and blue, blue sky up here.



    Stopped one more time down in Mill City. Rather than just grind out the miles on hwy 22 back to the fairgrounds, we unanimously agreed to take the same country roads back to Stayton. ‘Spirited’ is the word for the ride back - everyone was hauling ass - (no shots of any of that).


    Erik and Nancy stayed to finish setting up their booth. They had some frosty cold ones waiting for us and had done all the heavy lifting whilst we were out goofing off.


    I had a decent tent space in the little rose garden but didn’t sleep very well either of the 2 nights in Salem.
    Bought a new rear tire for my friend’s bike and rode home on thursday. Glad to be able to help out and probably should have stayed for the whole event. Rode a bunch of dirt roads, stopped for a 6 pack about 10 miles from the ranch and roasted some more dirt for the back entrance to home.

    bigjon likes this.
  2. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Nice. I have ridden all that including the off road stuff. Have a good friend with a G650 all decked out that lives int he estacada area so we explore everything from detroit to timothy lake and barlow etc. Jeremy (Altrider) is good peeps and glad to see it is all off to a good start. Good to see your posts here. Good posts are good posts regardless of the bikes. thanks.
  3. wachs Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Bend, Oregon USA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    BMW F800GS, KTM 500 EXC
    Cool - I'm headed up to Seattle tomorrow for the ALTrider, Hoh Rain Forest ride with Jeremy and crew. Will take a bunch of photos but hopefully nothing like last sunday (as we're riding more big bikes)!
    bigjon and Motosportz like this.