Please join us in welcoming AMA Pro Flat Track #50Y Jimmy Mcallister to the BMP Racing family! We recently built a 2016 FC450 for him to campaign in Pro Singles (oops I mean GNC2) half-mile and TT events as well as the NCFTA Championship series, and he'll be running a Kawasaki 650 in the mile events.
Wow, that is sweet looking, the lowered stance and wider wheels look mean. Jon, is there still racing at the Salem fairgrounds on Saturday nights?
That is very coool! I've always wanted to give flat track racing a try. I wish there was a old man/hooligan class local series I would be all over it.
We run the winter indoor series at the fairgrounds Nov-Mar, butt the Albany speedway just fired up (same people), looks like they're running every other Saturday morning, to alternate with their MX schedule.
I'll bet there is but nobody knows about it! The Salem Speedway (my local series) was running for ten years before I knew about it. Promotion is such a huge problem in flat track right now!
Our local supermoto and flat track have helped with promoting eachother. Seems like a good pairing, helping out two small sports