So a day before leaving for a cross country road trip, like a moron, I broke the connection where the antenna wire connects to the ignition. Would it work to create a loop of wire that I dangle around my key that I would solder into the broken wire? Basically, I'd be creating my own antenna that bypasses the ignition assembly. Is there any possibility of damaging the ECU by doing this? Any thoughts, anyone? (I'll be contacting my nearest dealer when it opens tomorrow morning, but who knows how long it will take to get the part.)
I believe a Honda "Hiss" antenna works, you have to remove the circuitry and just use the antenna. No ill effects reported from doing this. Others here may provide first hand experience with theirs.
Oops, didn't see the thread in time. Yo, used the antenna off a Honda HISS (but I'm almost certain that ANY antenna ring will do the job of a functioning bypass). Things start here (post #77 onwards, just flick through the thread). There's no possibility of ECU damage or such, only a possible non-function resulting in continued EWS-errors on the dash. Required parts details are in the thread.