I think the chain guide tabs on the swingarm of my WR 250 might be slightly bent. I'm going to order a BRP guide and will confirm when I install it. The stock guide was badly bent/twisted and wearing away the chain's master link. I tried reshaping it but its not perfect and still rubbing on new chain. So, if I find out the tabs are bent, what's the best way to make them right? Use an adjustable wrench and slowly bend or add heat first then slowly bend?
I found my link clip wearing as well but I think it was more because I ran a 50T rear sprocket than the chain guard being bent. I pulled mine apart, bashed it with a hammer, but still couldn't really re-align it much.
Funny you replied today. I just installed the brp yesterday. I didn't even know the guide bracket was welded to the swingarm. In any case, the red part of the brp that wedges between the bracket tab wouldn't squeeze in. It wasn't obvious what was bent so I used an adjustable wrench to pry the outer tab out just enough to fit in the red thing. No heat required. When it was all back together it didn't look like the chain was rubbing the guide at all.
I installed a BRP last year and had the same issue. I was able to finesse the block on and bolted up ok. I noticed each tab though, slightly bent. My guide is tight to the right side of chain from the rear but a mm or 2 clear and is centered in front. Good to know those tabs can be moved as you did for a minor tweek.