I could not pass it up. The box of stuff he gave me with the bike is worth 2x what I paid. He had much higher offers, he liked me and that I knew all about the bike. Long time owner moving and wanted it to go to a good home not just anybody. Funny.
Cool bike, but you will be working on it, if you keep it very long. I came very close a few times, but I always resisted the sirens' call of the single cam Husaberg, after watching a few friends struggle with them. VOR's are more reliable in my experience. A single cam Husky always seemed almost as good and easier to own. You have very good luck with used bikes, so you probably got a gem. When I finally give in... It will be a '07 or '08 FE450, with a 380 kit. Still would like a 70 Degree FE390 too! Ah.... Husabergs.
I broke probably a dozen swingarms on one of those.... I like the 02 FE501.... that chassis was awesome.... Didnt like my buddies FE390.....
Like being a matter of acknowledgement.......no I did not like that you broke swingarms, that must have really sucked, especially because to break one you must have been hammering the beast at the worst possible moment to have a failure like that......
Kelly is such a good foster dad always taking in poor lost souls, then taking them out and whipping on them.....
Real cool Kelly. I think they tended to be a little "troublesome" though. Good luck with it and keep us posted please. BTW, I'm feeling good about my current 99 WR360 (orphan) rescue project.
I know, still could not pass it up. Bought it not running. Older dude and bike sat a long time. Got it running today and runs nice just like he said. Fun so far. Need to address a few more things before I feel good enough about it to take it out for a ride. Autocomp release makes it an EZ kicker. I'm really glad you snagged that.
my berg did not like whoops.... twice on "the whoops" in San Felipe and a whole mess of times in D37 races.... Never broke the motor just broke dwinarm in half and/or broke the center out....
very cool, you can see the strong swede in it still.. when was the last year they were still swedish? before they became a different version of ktm?
Great find, Kelly. I have absolutely fallen in love with my FE570. The motor and WR tranny are amazing. I still think my 511 is a better dirt bike handling wise but the 570 is very close. I don't know if it's just because I've gotten so comfortable on my 511 or maybe it's the CTS, that things handles better than anything I've ever ridden and it's so easy to ride. Sorry for changing the subject. Cool Bike.