You'd think it would be the bike, "Ninja". And you'd be wrong..... ninja&start=0
i agree, at first it was funny then it was like this guy needs his arse kicked for bein a idiot, but more than likely ya hes not all there and someone isnt watching him. soemthing is definatly not right with the dude.
A real ninja would never have been hit, or seen for that matter WTF have become of people when Nijas are freaking lazy. Wow, just wow.
A local shop owners son was it that race and I can't wait to see what he has to say. From other things I've read on the Va Hare scramble site he has been seen at other races in the past. The guy must be a real nut case. He walks into the wood in normal cloths then gets into his ninja suit and hides under the leaves for some strange reason. I suggested they run spikes on their tires to root him out. It was cool watching him get dirt rolled them slammed into; shame it was a light weight kid on a 105 light weight bike!
the guy is obviously not right in the head and I don't wish him pain or run over etc. He needs help not run over.
Umm he may need help but he won't find it laying in the woods in a ninja suite. I worry more about the kids this nut may injure than him. I think it's a thrill seeker just seeing how close he can get to the action and not sombody ready for the padded room; just my .02.
Chuck Norris Brokeback Mountain is not just a movie. It's also what Chuck Norris calls the pile of dead ninjas in his front yard.