1. Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

Cush Drives

Discussion in 'Vintage/Left Kickers' started by NYWR430, May 13, 2010.

  1. NYWR430 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    The only reason I'm bringing up the old Cush Drive debate is that I know a few of us ride our older huskies on the pavement sometimes, and most of us do not have cush drives. I found this interesting product that incorporates a cush drive into a sprocket so the original non-cush wheel hub can still be utilized. Does anybody know if any of the listed Husqvarna applications will fit earlier models from the 1980's(same sprockets)?
  2. fran...k. Husqvarna
    AA Class

    eastern ct
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    420ae 98wr125 2004wr250 others
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    You could ask and see if you can get one made to your spec or one with a blank center. It looks kind of like one of my unfinished wall hanger projects.


    The 360 not the more modern one has a cush drive in the clutch as I suspect a lot of them from the late seventies It might be adaptable somehow the link you provided kind of seems to be on the small side for the amount of rubber compared to what few cush hubs I have seen.

  3. NYWR430 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    I agree the rubber area does appear to be smaller, but the rubber placement is much farther away from the axle centerline and would result in less force on the rubber bushings than a traditional cush hub located very close to the axle centerline. This may explain the smaller rubber contact area. They may be trying to decrease contact area so that the lesser force can create the same amount of stress in the sprocket rubber as in a cush hub to provide similar amounts of damping. This is just my crazy idea and I have no concrete evidence to base this on.
  4. rajobigguy Administrator

    Well I was getting to the point that I need a new sprocket anyway so I'm going to give it a try. They say the next production run of Husky sprockets is July 12, then international shipping. I imagine it will be here around the first of Aug.
  5. NYWR430 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Excellent. Post up some pictures of the sprocket when you get it if you don't mind. Very curious on build quality.
  6. rajobigguy Administrator

    Oh yeah I'll do a full report on this thing. That is of course assuming that it doesn't fly apart, tangle up my chain, lock the rear wheel up at some inopportune moment and kill me.:lol: