D38 2014 King of the Desert High Speed Extraction

Discussion in 'Racing' started by Husq-a-daygo, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450

    Luckily LESAR did not have to cart me out. I picked up my bike and completed the remaining two loops totalling 70 miles after the crash albeit my handle bars were tweeked and it was like riding a street bike lol.
    TemecuCoastie likes this.
  2. robertaccio Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Diego, Ca
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 Husqvarna TE300i
    Other Motorcycles:
    99 HusqvarnaTE610, 94 Husaberg FC501
    ??? glad ur ok, how the heck do that crash happen? swap under power? suspension need some tweekage need to be ZipTy'd?? (ZipTy Racing for the CTS machines)
  3. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450
    Operator error. My suspension is great race tech springs with gold valves and motoforza set up. I think my front end washed a little before I hit the first hoop? Anyway it happened so fast I'm not sure...
  4. Tom Albright Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Bay, CA.
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    I counted, dirt, sky, dirt, sky, dirt, sky, ten times. IMPRESSIVE. Hope you are feeling well after that. I'll take low speed rocks over that High speed stuff.
    reveille and TemecuCoastie like this.
  5. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450

    This morning I woke up an felt like a truck hit me. Mostly sore muscles though. A couple advils and I was good to go to work.
  6. TemecuCoastie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FC250 and 2012 TC250
    Watching this in the office. Almost blurted out "Holy $%^$%^$%!"

    Sore muscles are ok, just means you had fun.

    You did have fun, right?
  7. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450
    Of course!
    If by fun you mean a sadistically torturous 90 mile course lol.
    But seriously yes it was fun.
    TemecuCoastie likes this.
  8. TemecuCoastie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FC250 and 2012 TC250
    My buddy Troy (#2s) loves it out there.

    At some point I'll make it out. Hard to find good help.
  9. robertaccio Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Diego, Ca
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 Husqvarna TE300i
    Other Motorcycles:
    99 HusqvarnaTE610, 94 Husaberg FC501
    you guys really need to try a Nat H&H.
  10. adam6402 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Tulsa, OK
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Your mistake was not going fasterrrrr! Love seeing the desert action, really miss that!
  11. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    Spooky watching that... I don't see how a crash could happen there unless you are way over the bars too much and the forks collapse too much, causing all the chaos to start .. ... You are haulin' fanny, so shiiit happens sometimes at speed ...

    Here is a screen shot at a moment after the bars have twisted and you are looking at that race tag on the front fender.

    Lots of things wrong by this time ... Foot off the pegs, front tire almost perpendicular to the tracks you should riding in ...Looks almost like a combination of a endo and a high-side starting to happen ... You desert racers know how to stir up a cloud of dust ...

    Hitting in the sand probably helped alot on the impact you took ... Good luck on the recovery and your next race ...
  12. TemecuCoastie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FC250 and 2012 TC250
    It's Ocotillo. The sand/dirt/dust/sun can often hide whoops, rocks, bumps and humps - it's alot like they blend in.
  13. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    Sounds a little familiar ... I've rode the Desert 100 race\Family ride in WA state a few times .. There are rock(s) out there just under some loose sand\dirt that can cause crashes ... I think the riders there call them 'snipes' ... The last time I rode there I hit one and it hurt ... I knew after that one that I did not want any more crashes of that magnitude ...
  14. robertaccio Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Diego, Ca
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 Husqvarna TE300i
    Other Motorcycles:
    99 HusqvarnaTE610, 94 Husaberg FC501
    you guys really need to try a Nat H&H.

    Im glad they did step up the course and run y'all through some rocky stuff as well.

    really do a Nat H&H, after you send all your 449/511 suspension stuff to only the team crew that has ever raced and R&D'd the CTS bikes at the top tier in the US after the EU teams gave up on them for racing....ZipTy Racing, they change the entire rear ride height and action as well as revalve up front. plus if its power you desire.....they are getting gobs of solid reliable power out of these KYMCO engines.
    ray_ray likes this.
  15. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450
    It's hard to see in the video but there are pretty good sized sand hoops that tangled me up. I might have been leaning forward a bit that contributed to the rear end swinging around.
    @ Robertaccio
    I have no doubt that the nats are a notch up on the brutal scale. Hopefully we can get a national to return to D38 soon. Otherwise I am open to travel north a bit to do some D37 races too. I really think my suspension is not the problem here. I am a big zipty customer. I have lots of goodies from those guys and I have no doubt they are top tier suspension experts. It'll have to check them out for my next bike. Possible 2T for my future. Maybe you can check out my set up for yourself and let me know your opinion of my set up after riding it...
    TemecuCoastie likes this.
  16. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    why is your front rotor guard all rotated forward like that?
  17. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450
    It got jacked up. Either from the rock gardens or the crash???
  18. Bomber1b Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Nampa, ID
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2014 TC250, 1998 TE410

    I will be at the National H&H in Murphy, ID in a few weeks. It is always a fun race and just happens to be where I ride every week!
  19. Husq-a-daygo Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Rancho San Diego
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    15' TE300, 16'FE450
    Cool! My uncle lives in Middleton. I've spent more than a few summers up there working the farm.
    Bomber1b likes this.