Northern Virginia Trail Riders marches on Washington DC during Memorial Day parade! This is fricking HUGE! Dirt Bikes and Side x Sides march on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC during Memorial Day parade. Even kids on Minicycles!... A BIG salute to the Northern Virginia Trail Riders for doing the impossible. Check out the photos below!
I lived in DC for 10 years and that is amazing! Love the matching helmets. We need more of this EVERYWHERE
I wish I had known about this. I'm only about 4 hours from D.C. I would have carried my son up there on the P-Dub and ridden with these guys for sure. That also would have thrown a Husky into the fold! I would have made him a sign that says "I don't eat my motorcycle, I just ride".
Just spotted that one. Check out the guy doing the burn-out. I hope for his sake it's a burnout anyway.