Here is my version of the go pro helmet mount. In the woods where I ride, a camera mounted on top of the helmet would not last more that 10 minutes. This one works great and is just barely visible when you are riding. Cam.
The chin would work very well too. I may try a chest this year. It is better when skiing as it shows more arm and body position. How do you post a video? Cam.
I have used the chesty mount and the only thing I don't like about it is you can't look at things with the camera (well, I guess you could turn your whole body) like you can with the helmet mounts. I do think it offers the best view though. Upload video to youtube then post the link (this forum should automatically embed it from what I've seen)
Here is some footage. Its about -5C so note the ski gloves and frozen logs. Cam View:
LOL...great footage of the fall. Makes me wish I was out riding right now instead of sitting at work.
That's the visor mounted camera. I was originally thinking chest since, for skiing, the helmet mounts don't show enough body action to tell what's going on, unless your inverted or doing tricks. In the video, if you notice the small mirror on my crossbar pad, its so I can operate the gopro camera without looking at it. Works. Cam.
ahh i see, nope footage of my chest mount have 3/4 bars tank and fender in screen at all times... more if im going up a climb, head mount is the best unless you have a mate following you with the same set up and edit the two together.