I heard that same noise behind me at a light once, a long time ago. Turned around & there was a fullsize van sideways behind me with maybe an inch to spare. Not something I ever want to come close to happening again. Hope this rider wasn't seriously hurt. I'm always watching my six at stops.
I almost got rear-ended at a highway stoplight. In the evening, came to a normal stop beside another car at a red light on a two lane, and suddenly thru my helmet I heard what sounded like a missile heading toward me, I looked in my rearview and saw a car with smoke pouring out of all 4 wheel wells from full lockup. With no other traffic in the intersection I slammed it into gear and blasted thru the red light and that car goes skidding thru my hold position, ending up sideways in the middle of the intersection. I did a u-turn in disbelief and was absolutely stunned, then I said the hell with it and continued on, shaking it loose. I had just bought my 2005 Triumph Tiger, had only 100 miles on it and quickly learned to stay in gear at stoplights. I wish I could see this private video....
hope he's all right, seems to be......problem one----they are all riding on the wrong side of the road....
If any tree cops or State Rangers or whatever they wanna be called give me $#!^ for riding in the woods, I'm gonna argue that they just don't do enough to prosecute bad drivers on the public roads....damn! And those stupid aggresive car commercials these days, enticing consumers to drive like maniacs! Then I'm gonna wheelie out of there!
VID is showing again ... I'm not gonna going into details here, and I certainly hope the rider is OK, and he did not break any laws it appeared, but that is not how you ride a motorcycle defensively on the street. At least that is not how I ride a motorcycle on the street to avoid accidents with other drivers.