halfway through a race i allways fell like im running on empty and have no energy left, does anyone have any food recipes that can remedy this... ive tried all the energy bars and drinks and they don't work and i eat alot of pasta the night before. help!!
My random thoughts... baked potato in your pack. LOTS of water the day before. No Caffeine, no "energy" crap. Bananas, eggs, potatoes. Ride smart, commit to hills (never push), breath. Flow / relax. Sometimes slower is faster.
Ditto that. Energy drinks are crap for your body. I try to cram down a pb and j at gas stops of if you have some down time during the race. Also mix my camel back with 1/2 water 1/2 gatorade.
You might try avoiding the wheat pasta the night before- groats in the morning likely better. A slow burn carbohydrate- also if you can have a garden grow your own spuds-they will be packed with vitamins. Or make friends with a local farmer that has a garden for his family-will not be any poison in there. Wild venison/elk is good, beef/pig/chicken without implants[growth hormone] or antibiotics is good. Free range eggs are very good.
Had the same thing happen to me at the first race of the season this year. Hit the wall a little more than half way thru. Had never happened before. I keep myself in great shape, so I thought, and was confused as to why this happened. Got online and started doing some research. From what I read on the internet, I figured it was low testosterone, just turned 41. Went to the Doc and she tested my testosterone and my thyroid. Turned out the boys are still working and my Thyroid wasn't working. I have been on meds for 2 weeks now and I am feeling much better. Go in for a checkup. My Doc said that low T and low thyroid have alot of the same symptoms. She is fiding more and more men who are being diagnosed with hypo-thyroid. Good luck
It is great you found the HypoThyroid and started doing some digging for this...I felt the exact same as you... I second the "Go in for a checkup". I was dragging ass and found out that I was Diabetic ( Type 2) just like my Grandma, mMy dad and my brother and I was also deficient on Vitamin D For the Original Post: Have your doc run a full blood panel and if your general doesn't want to do it have him/her refer you to Endocrinology for a full blood workup... At a minimum you'll need to have: Blood sugar Fasting Blood sugar ( to rule out Diabetes and Metabolic syndrome) Testosterone - should be at a minimum of 300 ( you'll feel way better at about 550 to 700) if it's low start with a TST treatment plan Vitamin D - make sure your Vitamin D level is way up there.... over 50... ( This was my problem) I had no Vitamin "D"... started taking prescription strength Vitamin D at 50,000 IU per week / one pill ... within a month I was feeling much better...( also boosts your immune system) and I now supplement with 4000 IU per day Vitamin D3 ( the kind your body can process) Triglycerides Liver Panel Thyroid Also evaluate yourself... are you tired more than normal or more moody than normal? If your just draggin ass like never before , something is out of wack... it is a sign of modern men hitting 40.... welcome to the club... it used to be this happened at fifty but society, diets and times have changed.... T
Well about 3 years ago at 37....I was racing and would just hit the wall after like 10 miles...went the whole series doing like crap...as an A rider i was pissed thought maybe I was just bored and considered hanging up the boots for a while... started a new job and the doc felt my throat and said it felt swollen...and I should get it checked...so I waited about 8 months and went to the regular doc...he checked my blood and maybe an appt for the ENT....the next day I went to the ENT and I was notified I had a HUGE goyder(?)....had surgery to remove the next week...it was the size of my fist...so now I have no thyroid and take 100mg of synthroid and feel like I can ride all week...even after a harda$$ national enduro....