F.A.R. @ Western Reserve MC with txc449

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by dmx153, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. dmx153 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Paris, Ohio
    I went to an ISDE benefit ride for Jimmy Jarrett at one of my favorite local tracks this past Saturday. I took my trusty Husky CR125 to put in some laps on the moto track. Usually I'm the only guy in my area on Husky's and field the questions and give information on the brand as best I can. I'm a 42 yr. old Vet rider and thought I was getting around the moto track rather well holding my own on my little 125. The sound of thumpers all around me, I heard one that sounded a little different coming up from behind. Throaty yet quiet, I approached a right hand sweeper, the rider swept around the outside of me at a blistering pace! I caught a glimpse as he went by and the first thing I noticed was the rear fender. Another Husky rider! My curiosity at an all time high I exited the track and watched as the rider pounded laps leaving others in the dust. I could tell from the side of the track the bike was a new 2011 450 and I was anxious to see it up close in person.
    I followed (stalked lol) the rider back to the pits. It was non other than fast Fred Andrews! I hadn't seen or talked with Fred in years but knew he was running his own team on Husky's. I was one of many drooling over the bike and listened to Fred give us the scoop on the new bike.
    In person the bike was a marvel to look at. I had never seen anything like it before. Then it happened. Fred said " throw your helmet on and take it out for some laps." My day just got a whole lot better.
    Fred instructed me to pull in the clutch and hit the start button. Never did that before! The bike came to life with ease and as i sat there with a smile a mile wide under my helmet, I couldn't help but notice there was little to no vibration. I have a 2008 tc450 as well as my 125 and my 450 vibrates a little more than the new 2011. Not excessive vibration but it was noticeable right away. I had never ridden a fuel injected bike before and was surprised at the quick and smooth throttle response. I snicked the beast into gear and was on my way.
    I entered the track and immediately got on it hard up to 3rd gear before braking for the first corner. This engine is butter smooth. No hit, just all fast forward motion that tracked straight and delivered all the power to the ground. I cleared the first double with ease and rocketed the txc449 down the straight. I left the bike in 3rd gear through several sections without worry as I was able to lug the engine in some of the slower corners. Catching an inside line without worry I pulled the trigger on the big uphill triple on the first lap! The bike stayed true to form in the air and the suspension soaked up my return to earth gracefully. Several laps later I wasn't even tired but didn't want to abuse the privelage.
    Fred and I discussed how well the bike handled several sections of the track. He gave me some much needed pointers as well! Huge thanks To Fred for letting me take the bike for a ride. The 2011 txc 449 is like no other bike I have ridden. It really is as good as it looks!