I got a factory tail bag with my bike. I'm not a huge soft luggage guy but this one is big and has a built in rain cover so I may give it a go. I can use the straps to attach it but it isn't clear to me if there's an optimal way to do it. It's got that pocket on the base that obviously slides over the stock rear rack but the straps don't seem to be as well thought out. Any pointers would be helpful though this certainly isn't critical. Just wondering if there's a better way.
Typical Husky product. Excellent design and engineering with the ubiquitous Husqvarna mix of workmanship and materials. Nice size tail bag. Lots of interior space. Slips on over the stock rear rack. The little white swoops on the side are waterproof zippered compartments Some of the stitching on the straps has come loose. Has a nice internal gaiter with a drawstring. Don't know how waterproof this is. None of the seams are sealed. Zippered compartment in the base holds a LARGE rain cover. The part facing the rider has a nice little backpad for the pillion. Part of the rear rack slips into this pocket. Seems secure but it's unclear how to straps hold it on. Not sure what that handle is for.
Did you got your top case with some kind of mounting plate? I got one of this bags but can't figure out how to mount it with my side luggage mount, it's the huqvarna hard boxes.
I just bought a Terra with the hard cases like yours, but those handles were just in a bag. I can see why, they look pretty cumbersome. I'm also looking for a top rack option to bolt over the pannier rack. The only thing I've seen that looks suitable so far is the Nomadic Rack. Any suggestions anyone?
I used the original rack with the sidecases. A sparer made it possible. But the original plastic rack is not strong enough. Have just mounted the nomadic rack. When i took off the original, i saw a big crack in it. So i'm happy that i got the new rack.
I also got the husky cases but they discontinued the adapter to use with the top box in the KTM changeover. I had spacers made up to use the original rack but yeah its not very strong. So the nomadic rack doesnt use the plastic rack? great I thought they were all alu plates on the crappy plastic original. I know mine will break one day
Nope the Normadic Rack does not incorporate the plastic OEM rack in their design, I am also planning to fit that rack to the Husky side cases. The OEM adapter to use the Husky (GIVI) topbox was never produced although it might be in some catalogs.
I've had my 2011 SM630 since November 2010 and I got the Husky Rear Rack & Tail Bag from Special Parts at time of purchase, and lemme tell you I DONT THINK IVE EVER CONNECTED THE TAIL BAG THE SAME WAY TWICE!!..... It seems like there's always some sort of adjustment having to be made depending on how much stuff you have in it when you attach it! Also that handle at the bottom is so you can carry it when not on bike without putting too much stress on the zipper of the lid? If I could draw a diagram for you I would but I honestly think it's different for every situation, if you do find a particular way to mount it where it is quite sturdy then I would absolutely love to know... Until then I wish you the best of luck!