Is there a trick, can you tell when it’s getting close? I put fuel in my Terra for the first time today at a gas pump and managed to spray a bit of gas. The filler is funky; I have to say don’t really care for it. I worry about how bad using Jerry cans will be. I live in the boonies and my work is another 15 miles past the boonies so I fill my bikes from jerry cans often.
When I first got my Strada I thought there was no way the filler would work at the pump. I was surprised at how much success I've had. I just shove the nozzle in as far as it goes and fill away. I've never had an issue in the roughly 30 fillups I've done. If you have a pump with a broken nozzle, or you don't shove it in all the way I could see it not working in a bad way. To mitigate that risk, I make a habit of resetting my fuel consumption after every fillup. Before each fillup I make a note of how much it's going to need and I slow down the flow just before that and watch and listen carefully. It's turned out to be one of my very favorite motorcycle fill ups. I too would like to hear jerry can / fuel bottle etc. thoughts from folks that have used them.
Only way is to hear it filling. I use one of these, if I fill at home...can't believe how much easier it makes life. Even on my lawn mower...never spill gas again. When you hear it getting close... just lift up the gas can and it shuts off. Easy Peasy
Yeah...the one that I got worked nice and smooth for a few months and then it got all tight. It's hard to get the pieces to slide past each other now.
It's mostly quiet here, but the crickets can get really loud. OK, good to know that you can hear it getting close. I did not notice it at the gas station. It was just suddenly full and less than 3 gals so it caught me off guard. I was expecting to put in a bit over 3 as I had ridden about 10 miles with the light on. Husky Dude, do you guys in BC have ethanol fuel? I know it plays havoc on some plastics and causes them to swell, perhaps thats why Dirtdame's valve thingy bound up.
Ironically the only fuel that has an ethanol bled I believe sold in Canada is called Husky... Never touch the stuff.
While it would be nice if the filler neck was a bit larger in diameter, I really cannot say I've had actual problems. It helps to turn the nozzle upside down to get the nozzle in a bit farther. I've been able to hear when it gets close to full... both at the pump and when filling with a can.
I will try fliping the handle up side down next time. I tried a few differnt angles but it just didn't seem to like it was in there very far. I have to admit I was a bit anxious on my first fill up. I was watching the pump and just getting ready to "back off" a bit when it shut off and sprayed (or sprayed & shut off) Oh, another question. Is your gas caps slightly turned counter clockwise from being straight with the line of the bike?
Mine is like that. On the last fill up I noticed I can put the cap back on oriented in a straight manner and still lock it and take the key out. Because of the way you turn the key, I think, it becomes natural to rotate the cap, too. But, it seems you can go against the natural action and get the cap lined up.