LAMC sponsored, 75 mi down on sat 75 mi back on sun started in Mex near US border south of Campo CA. to Laguna Hansen BC Mex many miles of epic "tecate" single track. very hot until we got up in the 5K altitude level. Pine forest was mid eighties , very dry and dusty. TE300 ran flawless, I carried 1 gallon in my usual maxima oil container reinforced with gorilla tape. Chilly was there testing a 2015 Beta 430 (4 stroke).Mark Kariya took many fotos, so we will see what Marks FB posts. Bajabound (Tim & Jen Morton)crew and ride tour was along for this one as well. we broke in a noobie on my ex TXC310R Ty D did really well for his first baja trail ride through some AA stuff on the other Ty D ZipTy Racing modified TXC310R (Tinken the thing ran flawlessly in the oppressive heat and everywhere)