I've used a Pro-Oiler on my Tornado for many years and it's worth every cent over and above the Scott-Oiler, which I had used previously. So when I picked up Moe, 6 weeks ago, it was a no-brainer to be fitted with one as well. The hardest part was working out how to pick up the rear wheel sensor pulses, and feed them to the Pro-Oiler. I have a copy of the wiring diagram of the ABS model, but none has surfaced so far for my non-ABS model. The link below shows how I went about it. http://www.engenia.com.au/12_TR650/01_Pro-Oiler_Install/ProOiler.html (the link button is greyed out, so hopefully
I wouldn't recommend splicing into the bikes sensor for your oiler. It could weaken the signal too much and give you dramas e.g. erratic speedo operation. Try looking at fitting an additional sensor utilising the bikes tone wheel?
Excellent write up. Hmmm, don't have the signal we need, no worries, well just whip up a little circuit to modify it so it meets our needs. Love the collective talent on this forum.
Speedo works fine. The circuit I knocked up is high impedance, and the dash doesn't know it's there. I thought about adding an additional sensor, but decided that that part of the bike, on this kind of bike, is too exposed and will probably get swiped off in a river crossing or mud filled rut. The existing one is well protected and anything I add wouldn't be as secure. I've yet to calibrate the oil flow. I'll let you know what table I end up using. For now it's #12.