1. Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

Flatslide for a 84 WR250

Discussion in 'Vintage/Left Kickers' started by Husq.fleet, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Husq.fleet Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Pendleton Oregon
    Doing some tuning on my "new" 84 WR250. Runs very rich, blubbery. Slide is worn badly and has been sanded (modified). First question is would I benefit from installing a new flatside carb? Performance/user friendlyness? Looked up the factory jetting and this is way leaner and still rich. I'm thinking it has worn needle/jet. Second question is what would be a acceptable compression PSI on this engine? I got 125psi with carb removed, engine warm. My 82 CR250 had 150psi cold, I checked it for a reference. Thanks in advance, Scott
  2. Leftcoast leftkicker Husqvarna
    AA Class

    encinitas ca
    yes, it's worn & probably a lot more. i too am looking into 38mm pwk keihin and spoke to the owner of carb parts warehouse in oh. he sets it up for the bike & type of riding and ships out w/some spare jets. $250+/-. rick horvat recommends him,, not just a parts seller