I mistakenly ordered an 08 250 clutch for my 08 TE510 (in a dark bar with wifi & no reading glasses, but beer, yes). I Waited too long to return it and had it out of the pack and just a littly oily finding out it was wrong. It is of no use to me. If sombody wants it they can just mail me $10 or whatever for shipping. It was pretty close to a $100 dollar mistake. let me know here if you want it, and we will make arrangements.
Its yours, i will wrap it up, take it to PO and get it priced. Then i can just let you know exactly what shipping was, PM you, and get your address, etc. Guess i will insure it for shipping cost. I can do this in the next day or two. I won't need to wait for money to ship, as this is low $ and a trust based community, of course.