I just looked into getting another set of front brake pads for my Te630. $95 from Hall's!!! Did I fall asleep under a tree for 100 years? Is there another source or a compatible pad from another bike? Can you get them without the gold-plating and diamond studs? The last pads I got were for a KLR 650 for $22 I think last year.
There's all different price ranges out there. One only has to look on Ebay to find a whole bunch. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fr...nkw=husqvarna te630 front brake pads&_sacat=0
I hadn't actually thought of that for this bike. it's uncommon enough that most links I searched for parts and accessories were dead ends. I checked the link you sent, and there were options. Thanks. Although $9 brake pads made me as suspicious as $95 pads. Regards.
Yes. Must be the original pads for the Swedish bike made in Italy by the German company. Perhaps they are collectible.