Just a Public Service Announcement, b/c it's not clear on their website... The Hotstart Nut will not fit your bike unless you have a cable operated hotstart. This is the item: http://www.ziptyracing.com/products/product_detail.aspx?id=MTc1OA== After going through considerable trouble to remove my existing one, and not being able to make it work on my bike, I called their tech support. After a couple of minutes of describing his part to him, he realized what I was talking about, and promptly told me it does not fit my bike. Their website very clearly states that it does (the website also says nothing about requiring a cable hotstart setup). I am shipping back for a refund, but will be out the cost of shipping both ways ($9 to get here!)... no biggie, but could have been avoided.... FYI for any other apparent morons like myself.