Hey guys, does somebody know the measurements shown in the picture or is able to measure it out real quick? I need outer diameter of the pipe that attaches to the adapting pipe with the can. And I need outer and inner diameter of both sides of the adapting pipe. Would be awesome. Greetings from Germany, Flo
That would be really awesome! German GPR is not able to feed me with said infos.. And italy takes its time to respond..
Worst case I'll give the info on monday, the pipe is already off the bike, I'm just far from said bike :P
The iD of the adaptor is 1.750 inches or 44.5 mm. This is where the pipe slips in. The OD is 2.125 or 54mm. This is where the adaptor slips into the GPR, which of course is also 54 mm ID. The outer diameter of the pipe is the same 1.750 as above. This is the pipe that slips into the adaptor. What are you up to with this?
Thanks MatLax, Fab was faster^^ Thanks for your measurements! Have a look at this, mate, I explained everything over there (further down) http://www.cafehusky.com/threads/rally-fairing-and-other-accessories.88010/. Greetings, Flo