My grandson hit a tree with his suzuki jr50. Both forks are bent inward. I may try to straighten them on my hydraulic pipe bender. What do you think? He's ok just shakened up, but hope he has some respect for the bike now.
Glad the kid is okay. It depends on how bent the forks got. If less than 10 degrees, probably okay. Once they get bent too far, you will see some creases or wrinkles in the chrome when you straighten them. That means they got bent too far to straighten properly. I use a hydralic press and aluminum u blocks, then check the runout with a dial indicator.
Check the breakers for a set of forks, hope he hasn't got too much respect for the thing now that's how you make slow riders!! Glad he's ok tho. Get the thing back up and running ASAP Try straightening but if they bind then he may well end up in the same place.
I think using a hydraulic pipe bender to straighten your grandson out is a bit extreme. A serious talking too might be more appropriate
Just get on eBay and get a good used set.....i don't mess with anything that could cause a crash...probably 70$ on me anytime you straighten is weaker...