I am going to be buying handguards soon but was thinking it through and had questions. I know there are the kinds that mount to the handlebar only and ones that mount to the triple clamp. I can think of pros and cons to both handlebar mount- pros - cheaper cons - maybe not as sturdy in a crash and can result in bent handlebars and possibly damaged radiators triple clamp mount pros - sturdier, distributes force of crash over more parts so each is stressed less cons - more expensive, slightly heavier?, distributes force of crash to more parts so more parts can be damaged I would like to know your experiences with crashing with each of these types of handguards. These are just thoughts in my head, not anything I have any proof of. I imagine many have crashed and had their handlebars bent but has anyone damaged any triple clamp parts or worse when crashing with triple clamp mounted guards? Is radiator damage common in crashes with handlebar only mounts?