I installed a SC tall seat this weekend. I love it because now when I stand, it's much easier. Now the problem is that I'm having to bend over too far to reach the handlebars. I had a set of Rox Risers leftover from my crf250L, but I attempted to install them on my Terra, but it doesn't appear that they are going to work. What are our options here? Does Motorsportz still make their risers? All of the posts in their forum here are all pretty old so I'm not sure that they're still in business. ????
I used the 2" rox anti-vibe risers and worked fine. I also have the SC tall seat (great improvement). You will have to reroute the clutch cable and untie the other cables. Watch the clutch cable around the radiator because it will snag and wear through. I used a couple of zip ties to make the route stationary until after it is over the radiator no rubbing now. Also I had to rotate the throttle a little to give some slack. The front brake line I just unbolted behind the light house or fairing and works fine that way too. http://www.cafehusky.com/threads/clutch-cable-rubbing.33935/
I moved the clutch cable entirely to the left side. No problems what so ever. Loosen the screw and bracket that holds the front brake line to the cowling and cut the ties to the bars for the rest of the cables. I installed 2" Rox Risers with no problems except that i had to cut a starz bit shorter and use an end wrench to tighten the side that was restricted by slanting the bars back. It all works fine.
+1 for 2" Rox risers on the Terra. Reroute the clutch cable and turn the bracket which anchors the front brake line to the headlight assembly upside down to raise that cable anchor by 2".
I'd like to find a set of Motosportz' risers as well. Not sure why they stopped making them when the bike are still selling and no-one makes a good replacement that isn't a "universal" fit item.
They are really not selling terra's any more. We are seeing a few people get the last order shipped from italy a long time ago. Over a year ago. It was held in the ports in California because BMW did not want to pay the taxes and KTM did not care about the bikes. This is from Husqvarna main head quarters when I was trying to find mine.
All Just left over 2013's. When Ktm bought Husqvarna they closed the italian plant and stopped using bmw motors. This happened early last year. Actually this time last year you could not find one because they were still in the containers sitting at port.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161437173522?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT Taller and a little wider, with a crossbar. This would be the route I would eventually take.
How about the risers from Powermadd: https://powermaddstore.com/pm/product.php?productid=185&cat=181&page=1 I had to fiddle with the cables, but no real problem. Check out my plug in the steering head...a cork from a split of champagne slips in with no fitting.
I got my rox risers installed yesterday. Re-routing the clutch cable to the left side and rotating the throttle helped out a bunch. Now it's very comfortable to ride in the standing position. Thanks for the tips.