finally -after 1 year got around to doing more than half arsed garage finish, had help from our redo crew, I did the floor, they did the walls, we left the open overhead. lots of crap to move back in and loads of crap to send to out to scrap!!! PS Costco has ther LED plug in lighting that look like regular fluorescent lites they are brilliant in every way. As part of the half arsed thing i did not wire in more sockets- i decided i have enough ex cords and most work will be done on my bench at the window anyway where the 4 socket receptacle is. I went to fetch some stuff and my in the sun temp gauge in my truck read 109--but its dry heat.......
I'm jealous! I've wanted to hang drywall and do the floor kit for the last 5 years. For whatever reason my wife thinks the house is the priority
I thought that the garage was the one place I could call my own, but the wife has taken over half of it now......
It was 118 today IN THE SHADE Here in the Coachella Valley Yet Yesterday I drove 125 miles to the Newport beach and it was cold you have to love so cal
I gotta sling some paint myself on my home so I can sell it ... I'm really to sell and put the past in the past... A measly 10K more in value and I think I'll be on easy street, forever. Your bench looks good ...That's what I need here ... -- I thought that W was a map of the course :_)
Nice job Robert, Add some plug mold over the work bench and enough lighting to burn the paint off a car and you got yourself classy garage.
hot steamy new york woods dang bet that took the fun out of it its been better here lots dryer and 90ish
Left San Pedro around 1300 Saturday and it was 87. Passed under the 405 on the 710 and it was 97. Hit traffic on the 91 East @ Green River and it was 110. Finally made it round three of grid lock at the 91/15 merge in Corona and it was 122. 3.5 hours later hit Murrieta on the 15 South and it was 106.
Since you still have all of the tools out, we've got some renno work going on at the new T-Mec compound whenver you're ready.