Help with my carb

Discussion in '610/630' started by Greg Barron, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Greg Barron Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1999 TE 610
    I recently purchased a 99 TE 610. It was running poorly, so I took the carb apart for a good cleaning. I screwed up and didn't count how far out the adjustment screws were. I was able to get the carb back together and started the bike. It ran for about 5 or 6 minutes and then died. It was idleing very high and I noticed that the pipes were glowing red near the engine. Now, I can't get the bike started again to save my life. I was hoping someone could give me a starting point for how far out the most forward screw (I'm assuming the idle screw). It has been several years since working on motorcycles, so I am extremely rusty. I currently have the air/fuel mix screw out 1.5 turns. The carb is a Dellorto PHM 40.

    Thank you for any and all help!
