I went out with my neighbor who rides a 99 Husaberg with pride. Well he misjudged a puddles depth and to make it worse he laid it over while his bike was running and took in water and stalled! We both pulled it out of the mud and left hand kicked it a bunch of time but it was done! One of our other neighbors came to help who drives a 4-runner. I met him on the top of the hill and he followed me down to tow the Husaberg out of the woods. I am on my 08 TE250 Husky. We made it out and he picked up his bike with his pickup. Blake
He loves the bike and it is lighter then I thought it would be. This is a picture I took last year. That is a guys Jeep that they left over night.
He knew the puddle was going to be deep but not that deep! I think he is almost ready to put his bike back together. He wants to ride this weekend. I will bring a tow strap!