Husky Snowbike. Interest?

Discussion in '7602 Racing' started by Colo moto, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Colo moto CH Sponsor

    La Jara, Colorado
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    449 snow1.jpg

    We are looking into becoming a dealer for the timbersled version of snow bike kits. I have ridden a couple of these snow bike kits and they are an absolute blast. I have been kicking the idea around for a while now of becoming a dealer, but the only Husky they had a kit for was the older 450/510 twin cammers. They now have a kit for the 449/511 and in talking to the guys at timbersled today it sounds like the 449/511 rips as a snowbike!

    So my question is how many of you would be interested in one of these kits? The kit could be for an older 450/510, a 449/511 or any other bike you might want to use. There are a few kits left around for this year for the 450/510 and KTM's, hondas... but the 449/511 would have to be a special order that wouldn't be available until Octoberish it sounds.

    Pricing varies from about $5300 to about $6600.

    Here is a link to a review of a 511 TXC with the kit.

    449 snow.jpg

    Like I said, we are just gauging interest right now. If anyone is interested please reply here or send a pm if that works better.

    vids hehe.


    JasonMF and pvduke like this.
  2. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
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    Those snow bikes are SUPER fun. I would have one if they did not cost so much. Also you really need some friends to get them too because riding with snowmobiles is much like riding your dirt bike with Quads, they do different things.
  3. BILLF CH Sponsor

    BMP Husqvarna, Salem, OR USA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    92WXC350 /Lamson CR250/701 Vitpilen/
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    Triumph900 Scrambler 1200 HD Nightst
    I just sold my 2012 Te449 to be made into that snow bike ASAP. COOL!!!
  4. ST Rich Husqvarna
    A Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    I have been looking at the kits and had also contacted TS to inquire about the 511 kits.
    I would love to get one, but due to lack of snow (again) this year, I will hold off as I studded the tires up for the ice. I wish you the best and will send you an email if I decide to purchase.
  5. Colo moto CH Sponsor

    La Jara, Colorado
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    I hear ya. It's hard to justify a new toy that you can barely use.

    It looks like we most likely will be going forward with this. But since this season is mostly over already it will most likely be for the 2013-2014 season that we will be a dealer. Kits are still available for the 450/510 models now, but the 449/511 models have to be special ordered due to the cts system. Snow checks to reserve or order a kit are $500.
  6. climiefish Husqvarna
    C Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Here is another one looks alot heavier that the timbersled above. 66439_10200440260397950_1189887036_n.jpg
  7. Idahorider Husqvarna

    Southeast Idaho
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2009 husqy txc
    Other Motorcycles:
    The whole reason I went with a bigger bike. I'm now saving up some money for a kit for my TXC 510 :)